How to create free digital signature
How to create free digital signature

how to create free digital signature

To create a digital signature you need aĪ public key certificate or identity certificate.įirst I would like to tell you about the concept behind a digital signature. The signed document was not altered in transit.Īs you can see, a digital signature has two very important advantages over an ordinary electronic The signed document was signed exactly by the person whose name is in the signature.Ģ. Of an electronic signature which guarantees the following:ġ. Here is where a digital signature comes into play. It is the case for different financial documents, contracts, invoices or if you just Often it is important to know that a document was signed by a known person and it was not altered Is also no guarantee that the text was not tampered in transit. That the document or message was signed by the person, whose name you see in the signature. Unfortunately with simple electronic signatures you don't know for sure, The examples of simple electronic signatures areĪ picture with your handwritten signature embedded in some document or even your name in the end Of an ink signature on normal paper documents.

how to create free digital signature


Contents What is a digital signature and why you may need it? What is a digital certificate? How to generate a digital certificate Buy a certificate from a certificate authority How to create a visible signature How to create an invisible signature Visible signatures in predefined signature fields How to verify a signature What is a digital signature and why you may need it?įirst we start with an electronic signature.Īn electronic signature is an electronic equivalent To skip the theoretical part just go direct to

How to create free digital signature